Beginner Sewing Kit Checklist

Sewing is one of the BEST hobbies. It feels so great to say, “I made that!”

But before you can get started on your sewing journey, you need to gather a few tools and supplies…

You need a sewing machine, but I’ve created a checklist of other sewing tools and supplies you need for a beginner sewing kit. Your kit will grow as you work on different projects, and learn new skills, but my list only includes the tools you “must have” to get started. There’s no need to buy things before you need them. That would be too expensive as a beginner.

I hope you find this beginner sewing kit checklist useful! If you’re new to sewing, be sure to also join our Facebook page: Learn to Sew with Stitch Emporium. It’s a community specifically for sewing beginners. You can ask sewing questions, watch easy sewing tutorials, and get inspired by others who are learning to sew.



Fabric Scissors

First, you need a pair of scissors to cut fabric. They need to have a bent handle to keep the blade horizontal when cutting. Look for a pair that is 8.5 to 9 inches long with sharp blades made specifically for fabric. Your fabric scissors will be one of your most important tools, so get a quality pair. Your sewing projects will turn out better if you’re able to make clean cuts when cutting out pattern pieces.

In the future, you’ll want to get some small scissors to cut threads more conveniently. If you’re into quilting, you’ll also want a rotary cutter, but a good pair of sewing scissors is all you need as a beginner.

Sewing Pins

When you’re working on a sewing project, a good chunk of your time is spent pinning pieces of fabric together. Get some quality straight pins that have ball heads for easy handling. You need about 100 when you’re getting started. I love to use sewing clips, too. Sometimes they are easier to use.

Pin Cushion

Pins are sharp, so it’s best to keep them stored safely in a pin cushion when you’re not using them. You don’t need anything fancy, but I love the convenience of magnetic pin cushions.

Measuring Tape and Seam Gauge

There is a lot of measuring involved in sewing. You’ll need a flexible measuring tape for body measurements and a rigid seam gauge for hems. Make sure your measuring tape is at least 60 inches long.

Seam Ripper

You will make mistakes when you sew. I’ve been sewing for 15+ years and I still make mistakes. A seam ripper is a small tool with a knife at the end to help you remove unwanted stitches. I suggest you get a few because they are easy to misplace.

Marking Tools

You’ll need to use something to mark the placement of darts, pockets, buttonholes, and other pattern markings. Tailor’s chalk is a good option because it rubs off easily. Some heat-erasable fabric pens are also convenient because they disappear when you iron over them.

Hand Sewing Needles

Most of the sewing you’ll be doing can be accomplished with a sewing machine. However, you’ll occasionally need to do some hand stitching, such as when you’re closing a small seam on a pillow or a stuffed animal. That means you need some hand sewing needles in your beginner sewing kit. Get an assortment of easy-to-thread needles.

As you can see, there are quite a few tools you need to gather for your beginner sewing kit. To help you out, we created a Learn to Sew Starter Tool Bundle that includes all of the sewing tools you need to get started. Instead of buying all of these items individually, you can save a lot of money with our kit. It also makes a great gift.


Learn To Sew Starter Tool Bundle®

Get started on your sewing journey with this beginner sewing kit bundle. It includes 8 essential sewing tools that will set you up for success.


One thought on “Beginner Sewing Kit Checklist

  1. Pingback: How to Use a Seam Ripper - StitchEmporium

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